This razor did not win a Cosmopolitan Best of Beauty award in vain; Schick Hydro Silk earned it wholeheartedly. Thanks to the awesomeness that is Buzz Agent, I have been given the opportunity to try this razor for free, and have been using it regularly for just over two weeks. Much like the aforementioned issues with my hands, my legs also suffer some intense dryness through the winter months...along with razor bumps and irritation. However, since using this razor, I have seen a legitimate difference in the look and feel of my legs. I chalk this improvement up to Schick's marine extract and shea butter infused "Water-Activated Moisturizing Serum" which lines the top and bottom of the razor's head. The serum alone keeps the legs moisturized for up to two hours post-shave, and when combined with a good shave gel and body cream, your legs will feel divine all day (and night) long.
Although the starter kit box recommends using Skintimate shave gel with this razor, I have chosen to use Aveeno Therapeutic Shave Gel, and couldn't be happier with the results. So far, I have experienced legs with zero bumps or irritation, as well as the complete absence of my typical dryness. To lock in this moisture, I would highly recommend using a quality body lotion or cream after drying off for an extended moisturizing experience. A personal favorite of mine has been Nivea's Extended Moisture Body Lotion, infused with Vitamin b5, it keeps legs moisturized for up to 48 hours, and locks in the fresh shave feeling of Schick's Hydro Silk razor magnificently.
You can find Schick's Hydro Silk razor at most major retailers, drug stores, and grocery stores. A starter kit will run you around $9.49, with the cartridge refills going for about $15.11 per 4-pack. The starter kit also comes with a suction-cup razor holder for use on the shower wall, to keep your razor in a safe and dry area out of the water's line of fire; thus keeping your razor's head and blades sharper and fresher for longer!
Again, a big thank you to Buzz Agent for allowing me the opportunity to try another great product! Interested in becoming a Buzz Agent yourself? Check them out here: https://www.bzzagent.com/
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